The decorative cushion knot looks very stylish and modern, favorably different than the standard rectangular models. In online stores, these designer pillows cost a lot of money, and making them handmade is not as difficult as it might seem at first look.
How to make a base for a pillow-knot
In order to make a pillow, you need to sew the material from which we will weave macrame. If you want to have a soft pillow, which can be put under your head or back, you need to sew "tubules".
Take these materials:
The tubes are easiest to make from children's (or adult) pantyhose. Cut off the socks and the top part with the elastic band. The two stockings obtained sew together into one. Instead of pantyhose, you can use long socks, sleeves of unwanted sweaters or knitted sweaters. If there are no old things or you need a tube much longer, you will have to sew the cover yourself and fill it with filler.
Take a cut of knitted fabric, cut into strips with a width of 20-30 cm. The length of the finished tube should be 3-4 m, so if you have, for example, a fabric cut of 1.5 meters wide by 50 cm, cut it into two strips with a width of 25 cm, then sew them together to get a 3 m long strip. It is desirable to combine the pattern, if any. Then sew a strip on the sewing machine with the front side inward, turn it out.
Insert a cardboard roll into the resulting knitted straw from paper towels. Instead, you can roll a magazine, newspaper, or several A4 sheets. We begin to fill the tube with a sintepon or other filler. To push through and tamp off the sintepon, use a stick (a long wooden spoon, ruler, a metal pipe of small diameter). Remember that later you will be able to weave macrame out of this "boa constrictor", so fill tightly and tightly so that it is not offensive for obvious excesses and folds in the most inappropriate places. Sew open ends.
Instead of sintepon, filler can be batting, an old blanket, towels or other dense fabric. In this case, the order of work is slightly different. First cut the filler into strips of 30-50 cm (depending on the density), sew together into one strip 3-4 cm long and fold it into a tight roll. Only then wrap the roll with a knitted fabric, thus making a "cover".
How to finish your pillow knot you can watch in the video!