Every mother wants to wrap her baby in a cocoon of her love, warmth and care. One of the best ways to show your child all of your tender and warm feelings is to make something cozy and creative with your own hands. Today I am going to show you and teach how to make a bright soft blanket, which will not only warm your baby, but will also become a cute entertaining thing!
So, for making the blanket you’ll need:
- three types of fabric of different colors and patterns
- batting
- colorful ribbons
- a sewing machine
And now, let’s proceed to the process of its making!
First, you need to decide, which size you want your blanket to be in a result. Mine was 80 × 100 cm. Cut the batting piece of the same size. Prepare colorful fabrics. Lay one of them on the table Cut the colorful ribbons into small strips. Then you’ll need to pin the folded in half ribbons to the hem of the batting, so that the loops point down. Spread the second fabric offcut on the batting with the inner surfaces turned outward. Pin them together and stitch the hem with the help of the sewing machine.
Unfold the upper batting and lay on it the third type of the fabric face-down. Stitch the hem. Put the batting onto the colorful fabric blank that you got. Stitch it around the perimeter, leaving a small gap on one of the hems. Cut the excess fabric, if needed. Turn the blanket with the front side outwards.That’s all! Now your kid will be in warmth, and these colorful ribbon loops will entertain him/her and help to fall asleep.
Thanx for the photos to http://victorialenefors.blogg....