A coffee table is a lovely and useful piece of furniture. And you can make it yourself of bamboo and glass. Use some shells, pebbles and other stuff from the seaside to decorate it.
1. Prepare all the necessary tools and materials.
2. It will have two layers – of plywood and glass. Cut a billet of the piece of plywood and another one of glass (leaving 3 cm. from each side of the glass tabletop).
3. Enclose the piece of plywood with the bamboo frame. Screw them to the tabletop.
4. Bind the legs with each other with metal rods to make them steady. Additionally fasten the legs nailing bamboo sticks to them crosswise under the tabletop.
5. Screw the legs to the tabletop having drilled five holes in it and in the legs beforehand.
6. Take a hammer and some nails and nail some pieces of twine to the edges of the plywood around its perimeter. Drill the holes for silicone gaskets in the bamboo frame (they will be holding the glass).
7. Wrap the legs and the metal rods with twine and varnish the legs.
8. Spread the «sea treasures» (shells, corals, pebbles, sand) all over the tabletop and cover it with the glass. You’ve just made a coffee table and now it is ready to add some style in any interior!