Shorts are the best garment for a beach holiday. Today we'll knit lace shorts for your holiday. In this tutorial, we offer you a detailed description and diagrams. Knitted crochet shorts.
Cast on chain loops to fit your hips’ width. We’ll knit in a circle. Make to double crochet rows.
Knit the following 2 rows as follows: five double crochets with two yarn-overs through one loop, skip four loops and again start to double crochet. The pattern is repeated.
Next row: five double crochets with two yarn-overs through one loop, skip four loops.
When you’ve completed, make three rows of double crochets with yarn overs.
Now we’ve made a waist. Now let’s knit the shorts themselves. We will knit in semicircles, circles, stripes, any shapes that we want.
Knit patterns in a circle motion and connect them in the end.