1. Cast 5 chains and close them in a round.
2. Single crochet a round. In the second row increase to 18 sc i.e. crochet 2 sc in one crochet. In the third row increase to 27 sc.
3. Crochet the petals. 21 chains, attach the petals to the center skipping one loop, 2 sc, and repeat the pattern to complete 9 petals.
4. Crochet around the petals in 23 sc.
5. You can use a thread of another color to crochet the next row, add 2 sc to 11 and 13 stitches of the first row, 2 sc to 12 and 14 stitches in the second row and so forth.
6. Close with white thread.
7. After crocheting one row in white thread, half crochet few times till the tip. Count 13 stitches (the central one and 6 in each direction) on each petal and crochet on them the last row.
8. Turn the petals and crochet 6 sc, in the 7th stitch picot (1 sc, 3 chains, 1 sc), 6 sc. Continue on the second petal. Do not forget to make an eyelet (crochet as picot with 20 chains).
9. Cut off and hide the thread.