This cat is made of 2 sheets of paper. The head and body are made separately. Then they are connected, and we get a cute cat!
1. We start with a snout. Take a square sheet of paper (I had 14*14cm one) and fold it bias, to mark the central point.
2. We fold the upper tip to the centre. Then, we connect the upper part with the lower.
3. Now, connect the left and right angles with the lower ones.
4. Then, shape the ears. Rise the lower angles up.
5. Fold the top angle as shown on the photo.
6. Turn our sheet over and fold the lower angle to the top. Then, make the tip of the nose. The snout is ready!
7. Next, we take another sheet of paper and mark the diagonal.
8. Fold the left and right angles to the centre. Then connect in two.
9. Work on the tail of our cat. Turn the sheet as shown on the photo, fold the tip twice, and then unfold.
10. Now we need to open the tail.
11. Fold it to the top.
12. We finish the body of our cat, for this fold the tail in two.
13. The only thing left is to join the two parts, and our pretty kitty is ready.