A knitted cable looks like a twisted string or a criss-crossed net. This pattern is not only a decoration, but it makes your item thicker while making it look more beautiful. Since it makes an item thicker, it means that your hats and sweaters will be warmer. In this our article, we’ll tell you how to knit a cable out of 6 loops forward. We’ll also teach you the basics so that later on you’re able to knit other kinds of cables.
1. Cast on 18 loops.
2. Knit 4 rows according to the following scheme:
3. At the beginning of the 6th row, knit 6 purls. Then, drop first 3 front loops inside out on to the cable needle. If yoy do not have a special needle, take a pen or a pencil.
4. Let the cable needle hanging freely before you go on knitting. Knit the next loop on the needle knit-wise. Tighten up the yarn and knit the following 2 loops knit-wise.
5. Knit the first loop from the cable needle knit-wise. Tighten up the yarn and knit the rest 2 loops knit-wise.
6. Turn the cable needle to one side and knit the rest 6 loops inside out.
7. Once you reached the 9th row, turn the cable needle once again.
8. Look, there is a cable that you have.