let us call your attention to the simple workshop in an epoxy resin bracelet making.
The materials:
So, in the beginning wash and dry out the silicone form (a mould). mix resin with the hardening agent (in our case the proportion is 1:3, but every manufacturer has its own proportions, so read thoroughly the resin instruction). mix well as far as uniform consistency and leave it for a while till the air bubbles are over.
Prepare the dry leaves, having cut the excesses with scissors so that they do not emerge from the mould. In 10 minutes the resin is settled, pour it into a mould. The more accurate you pour, the less you will have to polish the ready item.
Then, with the help of the toothpick lay the leaves into the resin. Spread them carefully. Place the mould with the bracelet into the oven heated to 80 degrees and switched off in, order to get rid of the remaining bubbles and for a faster solidification. then, take the mould out of the oven and leave it for solidification for 24 hours.
When the bracelet is fully hardened, take it carefully out of the mould. The sharp edges of the bracelet must be polished with the abrasive paper. then the bracelet is covered with a varnish (you can use any acrylic one). the bracelet is ready!
The bracelets made in the same technique.