It can be difficult to choose a suitable lamp for a room, so if you have some free time and desire to get a unique DIY lamp, pay your attention to a simple procedure how to make a lamp out of anything, that you have at home. You can use each item, where you can make a hole. Do you have a beautiful empty bottle, which was used to hold a tasty beverage? It can be a base of the lamp. The lampshade is easy to make too, so let’s start.
How to make a small lamp, designed by yourself?
You should follow several simple steps to create your own DIY lamp. All of them are the following ones:
Take the bottle and drill a hole in its side for the cord to get in. Then make a stable creation, you drill another hole in the piece of wood.
The next step is to design button caps and affix them to the underside of base. Due to it, you can push the cord under it.
Using a sharp knife, transform a lamp rod to in the sizes and form you want, filing off all the sharp endings. Move up it through the base and wooden block and fix it from the bottom of decorative part of the lamp using a washer and a nut.
To make the lamp cord been easier to be moved through a rod, use an insulating tape to paste the ending of the cord together. After that move the cord through the rod, until you have at least 5 inches of it protruding.
You have to fix all these details carefully, so put the necessary elements in such order: the lock nut, the neck, the harp holder and the socket cap.
Further pull the wire`s part about 2 inches’ length apart and using a knife strip off about 0.5 inches of isolation. Be careful with the cord.
To keep endings of wire on the right side of the base, make a note in such way: roll up two endings of wire into loops. Then put the first one behind of cord, and the second one in front of. Cross one loop in another and drag out the knot and try its firmness by pulling the plug end.
Fasten the wires to the socket and twist the endings in the clockwise direction. The next step is to differ neutral wire from hot. In the most of cases, neutral one is rubbed. You have to connect it to silver terminal and another one — to brass terminal. Flex the wire around the screw in the direction, in which the screw will be turned.
Knock the wires down and put the socket cap in the appropriate place. If the clap clicks, you did everything alright and the connection is installed.
Add a lampshade and enjoy your homemade lamp!