Draw a contour of a body and head of an animal.
Add to a contour of 4 feet as you see them in drawing.
Begin design of details of the head of a zebra, draw ears and a mane.
Erase the line of a contour on hind and forward legs (see drawing), add more details to the head. Draw eyes, a nose, a mouth and a tail of a zebra with a wool bunch on the end.
Paint over hoofs and a mane of an animal.
Outline the front pages on the head of a zebra.
Continue drawing of strips on a body and feet of a zebra, gradually passing from the head to back part of a trunk of an animal, till not cover with them all body.
Continue drawing of strips on a body and feet of a zebra, gradually passing from the head to back part of a trunk of an animal, till not cover with them all body.
Continue drawing of strips on a body and feet of a zebra, gradually passing from the head to back part of a trunk of an animal, till not cover with them all body .
Add a few shadows.