The lemonade stand is more than just classics. It is a fine opportunity for young people to learn business bases. Opening of the lemonade stand will teach you to be the responsible person. Besides, it is an excellent opportunity to cheerfully spend time.
1. Choose a place. If you put a rack in front of the house, only some people will see you. Instead, choose the place where many people go. Local parks and beaches - good options, especially if on the street it's good weather.
2. Establish the stand. The strong table and a chair that you could sit down is necessary for you. Establish a table and a chair on a plain surface thanks to what you won't pour the lemonade. Besides, you can cover a table with a bright cloth to draw attention of passersby.
3. Make the workplace convenient. If you plan to work during the long period of time, you need to take care of that your workplace was the most comfortable. Have enough drinking water. Besides, you can put a soft pillow that it was more convenient to you to sit on a chair. If weather is hot, you can use the fan on batteries or a fan.
4. Decorate the stand. You can decide how to make it, certain templates don't exist. The most important your rack has to look brightly and cheerfully.
5. Make advertizing of your stand. Even if your stand is in the good place, take care of that all in the district knew about your business. Try to create advertizing to the rack, and place her near the workplace.
6. Tell everyone about the lemonade stand. Ask your friends not only to visit your stand, but also to tell about it to the friends, and also to bring them! Besides, you can post advertizing about a stand in social networks. Thanks to it people will learn about your business more.